Network of Organic Agriculture Researchers in Africa

The Network of Organic Agriculture Researchers in Africa (NOARA) was established to unite and coordinate African organic and ecological agriculture scientific and technical researchers within and outside Africa. The network is an African initiative.

NOARA is a network independently established by African organic researchers that met at Modena, Italy, in 2005 but was later launched in 2009, during the 1st African Organic Conference in Kampala. During the 2nd African Organic Conference (2nd AOC) held in Lusaka, Zambia, in May 2012, a side event brought together participants from almost all regions of Africa and Europe to discuss how to develop organic agriculture research agenda. Research was underscored as a critical component of any initiative designed to promote ecologically sustainable development of agriculture in Africa.

The 4th AOC in 2018 General Assembly at Saly, Senegal, recommended AfrONet to revive NOARA and probably re-organize the Network for effectiveness in its expected roles. A  Coordinator was therefore appointed in March 2019 to build NOARA and ensure proper functionality of the Network.

  • Vision Africa with zero hunger, poverty eradicated, improved livelihood and sustained ecosystem through innovative organic agriculture research.

  • Mission -To establish and disseminate evidence-based scientific organic agricultural knowledge that can ensure healthy, ecological, fairness and care of organic agriculture actors in Africa for sustainable livelihood and ecosystem, leading to food security and sustainable development

  • Objectives :

    Research and Training

    – Lead research agenda on organic and ecological agriculture in Africa

    – Coordinate organic and ecological agriculture training and research in Africa

    – Support or initiate research activities that contribute to the social, cultural and economic productivity of Africa’s smallholder farmers, processors and marketers, particularly, women and youths who have been largely marginalized

    Policy and Stakeholder Engagements

    – Promote collaboration among organic and ecological agriculture researchers, practitioners, farmers and policy makers in Africa

    – Improvement of ecological organic agriculture database for influencing policy development in Africa

    – Advocate for mainstreaming of organic and ecological agriculture into agricultural research and innovation to enhance food security in Africa

    – Engage organizations producing organic and ecological inputs in confirmatory and adaptive research for possible recommendation of their products to end users in Africa and beyond.

    Conferences and Information Dissemination

    –  Organize conferences and meetings for the exchange of information on organic and ecological agriculture

    – Publish research and technical results on organic and ecological agriculture

networking for organic Agric research


Membership is open to all interested agricultural researchers, farmers, marketers, agro-processors, policy makers, postgraduate students, cooperate organizations, consumers and willing individuals.

Type of membership Registration Fee (USD) Annual Dues (USD)
Africans 20 40
Non Africans 20 40


Our Model Approach

scientific research


Individual researchers, group of researchers, or member organizations embark on  research(es) their areas of interest(s) in ecological organic agriculture.



Report of research findings in the form of articles is submitted for onward review by fellow researchers and faculties.

peer review

Peer Review

Report of research is reviewed by fellow organic agriculture researchers for validation or otherwise.

publication and information sharing


Validated report is published in the African Journal of Organic Agriculture and Ecology; a  biennial publication and the information is disseminated for onward application by researchers and practitioners alike.

Committed to a healthy, Safe, Secured, and Susutainable Africa

We are a a network of Organic farmers, agricultural organizations/firms, association, researchers, agro-processors, marketers, consumers, network or company/individual of good and ethical standing, in the organic agriculture sector, with operations in Africa