Call for expression of interest
Evaluation of the impact of agroecological and conventional farming systems on biodiversity within farmlands in Eastern and West Africa final (2) The Network of Organic Agriculture Researchers in Africa (NOARA) calls for Expression of Interest in a research work focusing on the impact of the agroecological and conventional practices on biodiversity in farmlands in [...]
Call for Proposal PROJECT TITLE: MAINSTREAMING ECOLOGICAL ORGANIC AGRICULTURE (EOA) INTO AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS IN AFRICA FOR THE PERIOD 2019-2023 (PHASE II) Dear Applicant, Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) acting on behalf the African Union-led EOA Continental Steering Committee (CSC) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is pleased to release a Request for Applications [...]
NOARA Maiden Biennual Meeting held via zoom
NOARA Maiden Biennual Meeting held via zoom on 30th June, 2020 The Network of Organic Agriculture Researchers in Africa (NOARA) organized its maiden (virtual) meeting on the 30th of June, 2019. The meeting was hosted by NOARA Coordinator, Dr Olugbenga O. AdeOluwa who started [...]
The 5th West African Organic Conference
The 5th West African Organic Conference Held At the University of Ghana, Legon – Accra between 12th- 15th November, 2019. Theme: Organic Agriculture: Life For All The 4 days biennial conference started with opening ceremony and scientific sessions on Tuesday 12th Nov, 2019. Welcome address was [...]
Newsletter 23
Newsletter 23 The Network of Organic Agriculture Researchers in Africa (NOARA) alongside other advisory and financial Partners made a presentation on contribution of ProEcoAfrica/OFSA/SysCom at the Joint PSC-Implementing Partners’ meeting held at the University of Ghana, Legon on 11th November, 2019. ProEcoAfrica & OFSA Comparative Research [...]